Text: Ivan BARKOV
Photo: by the author
YAKUTIA.INFO. One day the main conductor of Yakutian Philharmonic Fabio Mastrangelo created a program “Evening in Italian Style”, in which music of composers from his motherland sounded. So, after some years, this time without maestro Mastrangelo, Yakutian Philharmonic presented one more program, held in the frames of “World’s Musical Capitals” and named as “Rome”.
Though, Rome, for sure, is just a geographical capital, but not musical. The main musical city in Italy is Milan after all. And Venice. But the subscription is called exactly this way, in addition to this there were already Saint-Petersburg, London and Vienna. And there, there is no mess with capitals – both geographically and musically. Though, be it Rome or Milan – this is not so important. There is a special moment connected with the program – it is dedicated (as many other Philharmonic’s concerts this year) to Theatre year. And if we are talking about Italy, then the crossing point of music and theatre in this country is opera, of course, the motherland of which the country turns to be.
For this reason, in this big project soloists of the State Opera and Ballet Theatre and the Symphonic chorus of Yakutian Philharmonic participated, having added to “Symphonica ARTica” orchestra conducted by Natalia Bazaleva bright vocal colours. The concert was opened with the overture to the opera “Les vêpres siciliennes” by Verdi. After, the chorus performed Stabat Mater №1 by Rossini.
That was a premiere. Later, we were able to see Yuriy Baishev, Ekaterina Koryakina, Marina Silina, Egor Kolodeznikov, Ekaterina Zakharova and Nikolay Popov, who presented arias from operas, created by such grandees as Verdi, Puccini and Rossini, also Cilea, Donizetti, Mascagni and Bellini. In addition to this, that evening there was one and only Rudolf and Mimi duet from Puccini’s opera “Boheme”, presented by Marina Silina and Nikolay Popov.
The concert was finished by “Traviata” by Verdi and “Funiculi Funicula” by Denza performed by the chorus and the soloists.